
Burn Ghost

The Client

Burn Ghost is a Web3 casual game platform focusing on fandom rewards. They aim to combine engaging games and tournaments with exceptional prizes, fostering a community of passionate gamers who can compete, win, and enjoy exclusive rewards. Think of them as the play-to-earn playground for dedicated fans, where winning goes beyond bragging rights and translates into tangible benefits.

The need

As a new brand, Burn Ghost needed a clear identity, engaging lore, and a defined direction for expansion. Their existing player pass was a starting point, but they lacked the narrative depth and visual direction to truly capture the attention of their target audience.


6 of us, 2 weeks, a sketch-fueled sprint to forge the Burn Ghost Player Pass. From controller concepts to permutation puzzles, we unleashed Houdini's magic and C4D's beauty, birthing a legend in record time.


Delving into a spectrum of possibilities, we explored wild and grounded options for controller modules. From whimsical antennas and connectors to practical thermometers and even flamethrowers, each element infused character and pop culture references, fostering a deep connection with future owners. Inspired by NFT giants like Tiny Heroes, Mekaverse, and Invisible Friends, we meticulously crafted a cohesive and branded catalog, showcasing the expansion of Burn Ghost's identity and making the vision accessible and captivating for all.

Building up Burn Ghost's brand involved designing a range of engaging posters, brainstorming their story through storyboards, and creating crisp renders that capture their essence.




Creative Director

Carlos Hidalgo


Nicolas Berzin


Carlos H | Terry Williams

Industrial Design

Andres Bellisario


Iris Dordio


Dyne | Carlos n' Roberto